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About Rethinking Evangelism®




7 Roadblocks

Preventing Churches from Modernizing the Way They Evangelize

How Rethinking Evangelism Can Help Your Church

There are a lot of pieces to pull together to make this work effectively and efficiently–best practices, technologies as an accelerator, and tried and true processes.

We do this every day. It would be a blessing to work with you and help modernize the way you Evangelize.


7 Roadblocks Preventing Churches from Modernizing the Way They Evangelize


Outreach is treated as a one-off event

We see churches spend a tremendous percentage of their budget, resources and time on an evangelistic series. However, after the event is over, most of the individuals who showed interest will never receive a personalized outreach again … ever.



Technology + Adoption

Newer technology can infinitely increase your capacity to consistently stay connected with individuals and provide insight on who is showing the most interest. It takes a unified strategy + expertise + effort over time to reap the benefits.



Rethink the way to deploy your limited resources

If more modern approaches are used to uncover interest, ministry teams can spend a greater portion of their time working with people who are actually interested. And they will spend less time on less impactful areas of ministry.



Never stop looking for micro-evangelism opportunities

There are a lot of people out there who are earnestly seeking to find and know God. However, churches miss micro-conversion engagement opportunities because they simply don’t ask for a response.



Implement a weekly engagement strategy

It has never been easier to reach more people in more ways. And yet, most churches' websites, social content, email communications and so on have not been updated in months or even years. It is important to implement a weekly engagement strategy that is continually improving.




A familiar adage reminds us, “You can’t improve what you can’t measure.” This is even more important in a time when you can’t “see” if someone that you invited to church actually comes or not. Using a variety of engagement analytics allows churches to improve and refine the overall impact of modern evangelism efforts.



Don’t be afraid to think small

Historically, the way churches have approached Evangelism is to package up the entire conversion process–from start to end–in a single, momentous, one-time initiative. This is a huge, taxing undertaking for churches. And it is difficult to execute more than once per year.

With the proper strategy and technology, it is possible to flip this paradigm.

Dont be afraid to think small

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