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About Rethinking Evangelism®




Rethinking Evangelism®

Success Stories

Churches Modernizing Their Approach to Evangelism


After defining a clearer purpose for Madison Campus Church, Pastor Nathan Renner knew they needed help rebranding and developing an effective communication strategy.

Learn more about Madison’s journey and why Pastor Renner says Rethinking Evangelism® was a natural choice.

Success Stories

Fort Wayne Seventh-Day Adventist


FWSDA is on a mission: "Making disciples for Jesus." Their leadership team has been cultivating an openness to new and innovative ways to reach people with Christ's life-changing message. After making significant upgrades to their video production capabilities and improving their livestream, Dr. David DeRose learned about Rethinking Evangelism® and saw an opportunity to reach more people and engage with them at an even deeper level.

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Dr. Derose
Our church has been truly blessed by our partnership with Rethinking Evangelism. They have helped us cultivate stronger relationships, especially with individuals who have visited our church or attended previous outreach events. They've also helped us automate innovative projects including a free online 30-day health program and a daily audio devotional. Our partnership with Rethinking Evangelism has not only strengthened our outreach, but our inreach as well!
Pastor David DeRose, MD, MPH, MAPMin
Pastor | Fort Wayne Seventh-day Adventist Church

Anderson Seventh-Day Adventist

A Rethinking Evangelism® Success Story

Since 1884, Anderson SDA Church continues to work diligently to help families in their community to live more abundantly through Jesus. When COVID-19 struck with unpredictable devastation, it caught the world completely unprepared. Anderson SDA Church was no exception. When church leadership made the decision to pause in-person services to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, everything had to change ... and quickly.

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Rethinking Evangelism has revolutionized the way I track guest relations and has made connecting with guests easier and more efficient.
Pastor Anthony Nix

Princeton Seventh-Day Adventist


A friendly invitation to sit turns into invitations to prayer calls, Bible studies, and weekly lunches. With more visits, you do not feel like a stranger anymore. You are part of the family, loved and cherished.

A warm welcome is the Princeton way. They strive to widen their circle of brotherly and sisterly love by fostering a deeper understanding of scripture. Together, they grapple with the question:  How can we build God’s kingdom in impactful ways?

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Princeton Success Story Video Cover
Rethinking Evangelism will do whatever it takes to help the church to accomplish the goals that they want to accomplish. They're so flexible.They work with you both with your budget and with time. You could tell that it's a passion for them
Dr. Frendell Reyes
DMINPastor of Princeton Seventh-day Adventist Church

Glendale Seventh-Day Adventist


Glendale SDA Church is a vibrant, multi-cultural Christian faith community that is passionate about following Jesus and sharing His love with others.

Located in an area of Indianapolis, Indiana, with a large population, the church’s potential for impact within their community is huge as they seek to be a model of racial reconciliation and understanding for the city through the grace, love and forgiveness of Christ.

With more effective evangelism efforts, Glendale SDA Church could experience substantial growth.

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Success Stories Church Images
One of the first things Chris and his team had us do, was compile a list of names and contact information of anyone that had attended our church, as a guest or had attended any events we had ever held over the last 6 years or so. We had close to 1000 names ! It turns out our church was touching more lives than we had thought. This was so encouraging. Chris and team then created an awesome data base that we could use to reach out to all these people online , on a regular basis and start to rebuild those relationships. Had we been handed this list to handle it the old fashioned way we always did of going door to door we would have been overwhelmed and honesty declared it an impossible task. Working With Chris and team we were amazed how efficient it can be to reach out and connect with all our contacts whilst also generating new leads in other ways. We were able to invite thousands at a time to events. The name Glendale SDA church is now in the minds of many. and with time I am sure God shall lead some of these people into his fold. what a blessed experience we had.
Glendale SDA Church

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AndersonSDA-logo-grayscale ShattuckSDA-logo-grayscale CarmelSDA-logo-grayscale FWSDA-log-grayscale Illinois-conferenceSDA-logo-grayscale Neighbors-in-need-logo-grayscale GlendaleSDA-logo-grayscale PrincetonSDA-logo-grayscale