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A Rethinking Evangelism®

Success Story


About Fort Wayne SDA Church

Fort Wayne Seventh-day Adventist (FWSDA) Church finds the reason for our existence in Jesus’ Great Commission to “make disciples of all nations.”
Within this context, they have defined their purpose, vision and mission statements accordingly.

“Coming to Jesus – Becoming like Jesus – Overcoming in Jesus”

“A community that reflects the love of Jesus”

"Making disciples for Jesus”


228 W. Lexington Ave.
Fort Wayne, IN 46807

The Opportunity


FWSDA is on a mission: "Making disciples for Jesus." Their leadership team has been cultivating an openness to new and innovative ways to reach people with Christ's life-changing message. After making significant upgrades to their video production capabilities and improving their livestream, Dr. David DeRose learned about Rethinking Evangelism® and saw an opportunity to reach more people and engage with them at an even deeper level.



The Answer


FWSDA partnered with Rethinking Evangelism® to map out a more comprehensive outreach strategy, implement world-class technologies, and improve operational processes.

The Journey


Developing a Unique and Consistent Visual Identity

Rethinking Evangelism's® first recommendation on this journey was to create a consistent visual identity. This is a critically important and strategic initiative for an organization.
If there isn't consistency (logo, font/typography, icons, photos, colors, etc.) across communication channels (Website, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc.), it becomes infinitely more challenging to build recognition and ultimately trust over time.

Learn More About Creating a Unified Visual Identity

Rethinking Evangelism® pulled together unique elements from FWSDA's website and created consistency across all outreach channels.















Additional Creative Examples



Implementing World-Class Technology

FWSDA is an incredibly vibrant and active church with a host of outreach efforts continually underway.

Like many churches that Rethinking Evangelism® works with, FWSDA has hundreds of interests coming at them from all directions: events, guest registry cards, Bible study requests, web form submissions, etc. All of these interests were locked away in a multitude of spreadsheets. There wasn't a centralized place for collaboration, outreach, the ability to easily reach individuals quickly and consistently, nor the ability to see the impact over time.

Getting ALL of their interests' information into ONE place was critical to begin a more modern approach to sharing THE message.




From a technology perspective, the first step was to implement HubSpot. Rethinking Evangelism® has been working with HubSpot for over 10 years and has seen firsthand how their technology makes a transformational impact on the organizations we serve. It is an industry-leading platform that unifies a vast set of capabilities, including an extremely sophisticated interest management platform with very powerful marketing automation. It is foundational to connecting everything together in an impactful way.


Facebook & Instagram

Facebook and Instagram Organization

FWSDA has been active on a number of social media platforms for many years. Facebook and Instagram are very important Evangelism tools. According to Barna, 9 out of 10 practicing Christians in the United States use Facebook.

To help reach even more people, Rethinking Evangelism® implemented Facebook Business Manager. Facebook Business Manager is a much more robust tool for managing user access. It includes a deeper set of Facebook tools for more targeted advertising, Facebook Pixel for retargeting, and even integration into HubSpot to sync custom audiences.

Google Tag manager

Google Tag manager

Many modern outreach technologies rely on different types of code that are implemented on their websites. Rethinking Evangelism® guided FWSDA in implementing Google Tag Manager to deploy and manage this code on FWSDA's website to make it much easier and faster.


Integrated Text Messaging Platform

If used correctly, text messaging can have a tremendous impact. According to Gartner, text message open rates run as high as 98%. Rethinking Evangelism® helped FWSDA implement EZTexting and integrated it with HubSpot.

Google My Business

Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile is an important technology that not only allows organizations to share information, but it also allows the user to review organizations across a multitude of Google technologies, including Google and Google Maps. Rethinking Evangelism® updated FWSDA's Google Business Profile, including a social posting strategy.

Certified Partner Button (green)


Rethinking Evangelism® assisted FWSDA with setting up FundraiseUp, an AI-driven online donation platform. This platform helps increase the impact that Timeless Healing Insights has throughout the world. (Read more about this initiative in the Innovative Outreach and Online Fundraising sections.)



Established a Proactive Communication Strategy

Continually staying connected with interested individuals ... forever ... is a foundational piece of the Rethinking Evangelism® DNA. Most churches (FWSDA included) have numerous individuals that have shown interest in their church. However, it is impossible to visit or even call them more than a couple times a year. Twice a year isn't enough to maintain a relationship! How do you fill the gaps? A modern communication strategy can help!


Learn More About Creating a Unified Visual Identity


The key to building a strong communication strategy is making sure it supports what a church is already doing. Rethinking Evangelism® worked closely with FWSDA and started building a strategy that reinforces their practices and takes them to the next level. Below is a map of FWSDA's communication strategy today. And it continues to change and shift in support of their unique focus and current outreach efforts.





FWSDA is continually working on hosting community-oriented events. We have helped spread the word to current interests through digital advertising, outbound calling, printed mailers, social media and more. Here is a sampling of some events we've helped them promote.



Innovative Outreach


FWSDA is one of the most innovative churches we've ever seen. Pastor David DeRose has a God-given gift for reaching people through his unique approach to sharing the Gospel message AND combining that with his passion as a physician to help people live happier, healthier lives.


Learn More About Creating a Unified Visual Identity


In October 2021, Rethinking Evangelism® helped FWSDA launch a hybrid live and virtual event called 30 Days to Better Health: Powerful Natural Help for Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. The response was astounding! Seventeen Churches and 250 individuals from around the world signed up to go through this program, and their engagement level was off the charts.

Because of the tremendous response, Rethinking Evangelism® shared a vision with FWSDA of using technology to take the content that was developed for the 30 Days to Better Health program and automate the program and communications to reach even more individuals. FWSDA's board was excited to move forward with this initiative.

Since that time, in partnership with Dr. David DeRose and FWSDA, Rethinking Evangelism® developed a dynamic, personalized website as well as communications to guide participants through 30 Days to Better Health.


To date, over 1,100 individuals have gone through this program across 25 countries!

In addition, Rethinking Evangelism® has helped Dr. David DeRose and FWSDA use this platform to feature other outreach initiatives, including:

  • The launch of a daily audio devotional, featuring Pastor David DeRose reading from the Ellen White's classic, "The Upward Look" at The Upward Look - a Daily Audio Devotional Podcast

  • Another way to access American Indian & Alaska Native Living. This one-hour weekly radio talk show has been airing continuously for 20 years. It focuses on health issues in Indian country, viewed in a holistic way in keeping with traditional Native perspectives. It is hosted by Dr. David DeRose.



Online Fundraising


For any organization to grow and reach more people, it has to have funding. Timeless Healing Insights is reaching individuals around the world and changing lives for eternity. To help FWSDA develop this area of their ministry, Rethinking Evangelism® helped implement an integrated AI-driven digital fundraising platform called FundraiseUp. This includes a personalized donor portal, automated receipts and communications, and predictive fundraising tools.

Participants are actively supporting this ministry and helping it reach even more individuals with its life-changing message.

It's a true blessing to partner with Pastor David DeRose and Fort Wayne Seventh-day Adventist Church. They have a tremendous passion to reach people and transform lives (spiritually and physically). They are modern-day Evangelism Pioneers!
Chris Dellen
President | Rethinking Evangelism®





In the last 12 months, we've helped grow FWSDA's number of interests by 247%. In total, this nearly 2.5X more than the previous five years of outreach combined.





One of the exciting aspects of modern evangelism is automation. On any given day at FWSDA, scores of different communications are personalized and delivered to hundreds of individuals–automatically–across numerous time zones around the world. In the past, this type of outreach would take an entire team to manage. Today, it literally runs by itself, and this frees up time for FWSDA's Evangelism team to focus more on personal follow-up and additional outreach initiatives.





Engagement at an individual level has been truly unbelievable! Since January, there are a number of interests who have come back to FWSDA's websites over 100 times each to continue to learn and deepen their relationship with Jesus. It's just incredible.


Dr. Derose
Our church has been truly blessed by our partnership with Rethinking Evangelism. They have helped us cultivate stronger relationships, especially with individuals who have visited our church or attended previous outreach events. They've also helped us automate innovative projects including a free online 30-day health program and a daily audio devotional. Our partnership with Rethinking Evangelism has not only strengthened our outreach, but our inreach as well!
Pastor David DeRose, MD, MPH, MAPMin
Pastor | Fort Wayne Seventh-day Adventist Church

Download the Success Story


Fort Wayne SDA Church Modernizes Evangelism Approach with Rethinking Evangelism®.




FWSDA Success Story Mockup_v2

For the team at Rethinking Evangelism®, we are thrilled to be on this journey with Fort Wayne Seventh-day Adventist Church.

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